Getting ready to launch at Monterey Bay
Daylight Savings Time resulted in me waking up an hour later than anticipated yesterday. Undeterred, I loaded up my truck and made the two hour drive from SF down south to Monterey Bay. I was on the hunt for early season halibut and a forward respite from the weather I'm about to face when I fly to Washington, DC later today.
30th Annual FISSEA Conference
I got accepted to speak at the 30th Annual FISSEA Conference in Gaithersburg, MD on March 15th. My topic will be "Effective Anti-Phishing Strategies and Exercises." The format will be Pecha Kucha (Lightning Round): I'll have 6 minutes and 40 seconds to present. The challenge is in limiting one’s talk to only 20 slides max and only 20 seconds per slide. Pecha Kucha (or PK) means “chit chat” in Japanese. It’s quite challenging to do and fun for audience members to watch. Fingers crossed! With bad weather on the way however, the conference may end up being canceled, as it's being held at NIST. If NIST is closed, the entire conference will be canceled.
Freezing Bait and Fingers Crossed
Monterey Bay was majestic yesterday
I ended up catching four types of bait fish yesterday, which I used to drop to the bottom in hopes of hungry halibut. I ended up catching and releasing (CnR) two lingcod instead. I'd usually keep them but rockfish season doesn't open until April. So for now, I'll freeze the bait I caught and save it for another day. Speaking of freezing, we'll see what I'm flying into. Like I said, fingers crossed!
SEE RELATED: Nor’easter Wipes Out NIST Conference
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