Proud to be secured by Paubox? Feature a badge and get $100.
Use the badge to show your patients and clients that your email is secured by Paubox. Plus, you'll get a $100 credit on your next bill.
How it works

Add the badge to your site and link it to Paubox

Send us an email with a link to the badge on your site

Get your $100 credit
Follow these instructions to get your $100 credit
1. Download the badge
Click here to download the Paubox badge image.
2. Add the badge and link to Paubox
Add the badge image to your site. Make sure you link the image to

3. Send us an email
Email us at with a link to your site where the badge is featured. We'll double check that it's linking properly.

4. Get your $100 credit
Prior to your renewal, our team will check for the badge and add a $100 credit towards your upcoming bill.

Paubox badge program FAQs
When will I get my $100 credit?
Prior to your next renewal, our team will check that the badge is on your website at the link you gave us. Once the badge is confirmed on your site, we'll apply that $100 credit to your next bill.
Does the badge need to link somewhere?
Yes, make sure that the badge links back to
Who should I email after I have the badge on my site?
Email us at and include a link to your website where we can see the badge.
How long does the badge need to be on my site?
The badge needs to be on your site when we check: after you email us letting us know it's live and before your renewal when we apply the credit.
Can I get this credit every year?
This is a one-time $100 credit.
Are there other ways that I can get discounts on my Paubox service?
Yes! We have two other ways that you can save. Get 30% off by signing up for an annual plan (save $108 or more a year). You can also get a $250 credit for every referral that you make (see more information here).
Can I apply the credit to my first bill?
Yes. The badge program credit can apply to your very first Paubox bill.
6,000+ customers trust Paubox to secure over 100 million emails every month