As of today, we have implemented a freemium plan option for Paubox Marketing. This modern healthcare tool allows recipients to view marketing emails like regular emails without relying on out-dated portal notifications. Healthcare providers are now able to send an unlimited number of marketing emails which include protected health information ( PHI) to their first 100 contacts for free.
Personalization in email marketing drives results
Healthcare is a competitive industry. In order to retain patients, healthcare organizations must prioritize proactive, personalized patient engagement throughout the entire patient journey. Due to HIPAA regulations, healthcare providers cannot use the standard marketing tools to send emails containing PHI.
SEE ALSO: Why Paubox Marketing is the Best HIPAA Email Marketing Solution Available
However, individualized messages perform up to three times better than generic blast emails. By tailoring your messaging to a specific patient, you can obtain 5 to 8 times more ROI for your marketing spend. In the healthcare field, personalizing your marketing emails can grow your business, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes. For example, you could recommend additional tests or procedures based on a person’s risk factors to increase revenue, or you could send automatic pre-operation reminders (such as fasting before surgery) to decrease cancellations. Arguably both of these use cases would also save lives as they would help people receive the right treatment when they need it. Really, the sky’s the limit on uses for personalized email marketing in healthcare – but until now organizations subject to HIPAA have barely been able to use it.
Helping healthcare businesses succeed
Our new freemium option opens allows healthcare practices to benefit from HIPAA compliant email marketing for the first time. As we learned during our recent Paubox customer interviews about how healthcare providers are reacting to COVID-19, many of our proactive clients have been reaching out to their patients about the coronavirus pandemic. Many solo practitioners and small practices told us they email their patients using a bulk blind carbon copy (BCC) method, but this is not ideal. First of all, it is prone to error, and second of all, you have to send all recipients the same exact email. On the other hand some healthcare providers risk HIPAA fines by using a standard marketing platform which is not HIPAA compliant. We talk to companies every day who are panicking because they just found out they have been out of HIPAA compliance for years by using Mailchimp or Constant Contact, or any of the other mainstream marketing tools. With Paubox Marketing however, healthcare providers don't have to worry about HIPAA compliance. They can segment and send personalized emails to their patients based on risk factors or anything else they deem relevant.
Try before you buy
The freemium model allows healthcare providers with more than 100 contacts to test the results of Paubox Marketing on part of their subscription list before deciding to purchase the product. This way customers can see the power of personalized email marketing before they commit to a purchase. At the same time, solo practitioners and small practices that have less than 100 patients can simply use the free version of the product without restriction to grow their businesses. Although you might see HIPAA as a roadblock to implementing an email marketing strategy, with Paubox Marketing it doesn’t have to be.
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