1 min read
The future of SEO content: Paubox Zoom social mixer (Feb 2023)
Hoala Greevy
February 23, 2023

This evening’s Zoom social mixer was a special one. My friend Bernard Huang, co-founder of Clearscope, was our guest speaker and he rocked it. It was as though we had plugged into the internet as he spoke.
This post is about my takeaways from tonight’s Zoom social mixer.
See also: Our playbook for Zoom social mixers
Bernard Huang (Clearscope Co-founder): The Future of SEO Content
Bernard’s presentation was titled, The Future of SEO Content: How to rank & stay on top of the SERPs.
Here are some my takeaways from his leading-edge data:
- This month Google announced they would not punish AI-generated content.
- Even before the arrival of ChatGPT, Google has prioritized answering a query on the first attempt.
- I found the term Search Perspective Frameworks pretty neat
Bernard and I met during our time at 500 Startups back in 2016. We’ve kept in touch since then, such as the time he invited me to the Clearscope launch party in 2017.
See also: BayAreaSearch meetup: SERP is your new homepage (secret bonus pics)
About Clearscope
Here’s more info on Bernard and Clearscope:
Bernard is the co-founder of Clearscope, the leading content optimization platform that works with companies like IBM, Adobe, and HubSpot.
In the past, Bernard was the SEO consultant behind brands like DoorDash, Strava, and AllTrails and helped all 500 Startups portfolio companies with their SEO strategies.
On the side, Bernard’s gone deep into the rabbit holes of eSports (sold a streaming data company a couple years ago), NFTs (collected a bunch of pictures of monkeys and pixels), and yoga (certified yoga instructor RYT-200).
More takeaways from our Zoom social mixer

Here are my other takeaways from tonight’s Zoom social mixer:
- We talked about webhooks for Paubox Email API
- There were a few questions about how Paubox encrypts email. I wrote a similar post today on how Paubox encrypts email attachments.
- We also talked about TLS protocols and which versions are considered secure.
- Lilly Ohno gave another impressive demo for Paubox Marketing
- We discussed the level of TLS encryption in place on the internet. This Google Transparency report is a pretty reflection of that.
- There was also discussion of API endpoints available for Paubox Marketing (yes, there are)
Paubox Zoom social mixers

The premise for a Zoom social mixer is simple, we gather customers and prospects together online and we make sure we deliver a beverage or food of their choice. There’s quite a bit of legwork involved, as we’re often sending deliveries to three or four time zones.
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