Yesterday we held our first Zoom Social Mixer. We had customers and prospects join us from Montana, Florida, California, Texas, Washington, and Hawaii. The premise for the mixer was simple, let's recreate things we used to do in real life (IRL) on the internet. When it comes to IRL events, the last social mixers we hosted went down in Honolulu and San Francisco about a year ago. Before the pandemic, of course. This time around, this is how we organized our Zoom Social Mixer:
- What would you like to drink?
- Where will you be?
We then used apps like Drizly to deliver each person's beverage order beforehand. For our Honolulu customers however, we couldn't find an app that would deliver to Hawaii. Being that I'm in Honolulu for the next few months, I hopped in my truck and did the deliveries myself.
Fujioka's Wine TIMES
I first went to Fujioka's Wine TIMES in Kapahulu to pick up the beverage orders. I was tasked with Proper #12, red wine of my choice, and a bag of ice. Although they were out of Proper #12, the folks at Fujioka's assured me Green Spot was a superior replacement, so I went with that. As for the red wine, I chose a 2016 Cabernet Franc from Andis Wines.
Since Fujioka's doesn't carry ice, I next drove to a nearby 7-11. I got the smallest bag available, 7 pounds.
Paubox Delivery
After beverages and ice were secured, I made the deliveries. Whatever it takes to make it happen, we're up for it.
The Pacific Club
With an hour to spare, I drove to The Pacific Club, where they graciously hosted me for two hours while I popped in my AirPods, flipped up my MacBook Air, and zoomed in. Overall, I'd say it was a successful remote event. Next week we'll announce details for our February Zoom Social Mixer.
See Also: Our Playbook for Zoom Social Mixers
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