Here at Paubox, we love customer feedback. We use it to drive our decisions on what software to build and in what order to build it. In some circles, this simple approach is called the Lean startup model. Whatever you want to call it, we love it and we're going to keep doing it because it works!
On that note, we're happy to announce another customer-based improvement to Paubox. Now when you share a folder in Paubox, you can immediately set permissions for it. You can either set it to 'Upload & Download' or 'Download Only.' See figure 1 for help.
Figure 1
Rather than setting permissions after sharing a folder, now you can do it at the same time. If you set permissions to 'Upload & Download' then those you share a folder with will be able to upload files to that folder. They will also be able to download anything in the folder. They will not however, be able to delete anything. If you set permissions to 'Download Only' then those you share a folder with will only be able to download files in that folder. Naturally, they will be unable to delete anything in the folder. You can change permissions for any user at any time. If you no longer want to share a folder with someone, you can also 'Kick out' one or more users. Just click the arrow next to the folder you wish to edit and then select 'Options.' The next screen should look similar to Figure 2.
Figure 2
Just select 'Kick out' and then click 'Save changes' to stop sharing a folder with someone.
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