We took a creative marketing approach to HIMSS16 today. As it's Super Tuesday, we did a skit based on this year's election on the showroom floor. I dressed up as a single issue candidate running for a fictitious office.
My single issue: Make the Internet Great Again. Deport all email portals.
Phuong Tran came dressed as a TV cameraman while Greg Hoffman dressed up a TV reporter. In case you're wondering, we got the video camera for $20 off Ebay. In fact, it didn't even have film in it. Nor a battery. As for the mic, that was real, just not plugged in.
The skit was well received by attendees. In fact, some prospects even agreed to be interviewed by our "news team." Wayne Achterberg from Blue Tree Network had a big smile on his face during the interview. Thanks Wayne!
We made our way over to the CGI booth and did our skit for Sawrab Nayak, whom we met yesterday. Sawrab then introduced us to some of his co-workers. Must have been because of our tv news coverage =)
Not content to stop there, we got to work on creating our own memes. Hope you enjoy!
See related: HIMSS16 Conference: Day One
See related: HIMSS16 Day Three: New Contacts
See related: HIMSS16: Paubox Social Mixer
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