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Why you should choose highly-rated HIPAA compliant email software

Why you should choose highly-rated HIPAA compliant email software

Email compliance in healthcare is indispensable. It directly affects safeguarding protected health information (PHI), guarding against legal and ethical breaches, and maintaining patients' trust in their healthcare providers. Choosing highly-rated HIPAA compliant email software is, therefore, not just a regulatory compliance issue. High-rated software typically undergoes rigorous testing and evaluation by experts and users, indicating its effectiveness in meeting compliance standards and security protocols.


What is HIPAA compliant email software?

HIPAA compliant email software is specifically designed for healthcare professionals, medical staff, and any entity that deals with PHI. This includes doctors, hospitals, insurance companies, and other healthcare-related organizations that require secure and compliant communication channels to protect patient privacy and adhere to legal standards. It significantly differs from regular email software in its enhanced security features and compliance-focused functionalities. In contrast, regular email software might lack these advanced security measures and typically does not offer the necessary safeguards to protect PHI as per HIPAA standards. 

See also: Can software be partially HIPAA compliant?


The benefits of using highly-rated HIPAA compliant email software

High-rated software like Paubox typically assures better security and compliance standards through advanced features, continual updates, and adherence to industry best practices. A detailed explanation of this includes:

  • Advanced security features: High-rated software often includes state-of-the-art security features such as strong encryption protocols, multi-factor authentication, and robust firewalls. These features assist in protecting sensitive data, especially in industries like healthcare where HIPAA compliance is necessary.
  • Regular updates and patches: Developers of high-rated software usually provide regular updates and patches to address any vulnerabilities quickly. This proactive approach to security keeps the software ahead of potential cyber threats. It ensures compliance with the latest regulatory standards.
  • Adherence to compliance standards: High-rated software is typically designed to align with specific industry regulations and standards. For HIPAA compliant software, this means incorporating necessary safeguards to protect PHI, ensuring confidentiality, integrity, and data availability as per HIPAA guidelines.
  • User feedback integration: High ratings are often the result of the software developers' responsiveness to user feedback. By addressing user concerns and incorporating suggestions, the software evolves to meet the practical needs of its users, enhancing both security and functionality.


What to look for in a HIPAA compliant email provider?

  • First and foremost, the provider must offer robust security features, including encryption for emails both in transit and at rest, to protect PHI effectively. 
  • Next, ensure that the chosen software includes the strong access controls discussed above, audit trails, and the ability to sign a business associate agreement (BAA), which are the cornerstone for HIPAA compliance. 
  • The user interface is also necessary; it should be intuitive and user-friendly to facilitate seamless use by healthcare professionals who may not be technically savvy. 
  • Look for software with responsive and knowledgeable customer support, capable of promptly addressing any issues or queries to minimize disruptions in communication. 
  • Lastly, consider the software’s scalability. The chosen solution should be able to accommodate your organization's growing needs, handling an increasing volume of emails and users without compromising performance or security.

See also: How to check if an email service provider is HIPAA compliant

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