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Paubox Kahikina Scholarship Recipient 2023: Landon Choy

Paubox Kahikina Scholarship Recipient 2023: Landon Choy

The Paubox Kahikina Scholarship helps Native Hawaiian students pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Its purpose is to offer financial support and create a strong network for these students. The scholarship makes education more affordable and connects students with professionals, giving them valuable opportunities to learn and grow in their chosen STEM fields. This scholarship is about more than just money; it's about building a community and empowering Native Hawaiian students to succeed in STEM careers.

See also: The big ideas behind the Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship

As a recent Kamehameha Schools Kapalama graduate, scholarship recipient Landon Choy will move on to attend Stanford University to study computer science. Here is a word from Landon: 

"Aloha, my name is Landon Choy, and I am proud to be a recipient of the 2023 Paubox Kahikina Scholarship. And I will be attending Stanford University this fall as a freshman studying computer science.

And throughout high school, I've always had an interest in the environment and climate change and specifically renewable energy. And throughout high school, I conducted research projects into renewable energy alternatives for Hawaii. And looking towards college, I want to look into computer science specifically for its applications of artificial intelligence to renewable energy sectors to improve the efficiency of these devices specifically for Hawaii.

And thank you once again to Paubox for selecting me for the scholarship and believing in me and other Native Hawaiians to advance their education in the future. Thank you!"

Watch: Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship Recipient Reflection | Landon Choy


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