Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

What happens if an email is not encrypted?

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | January 17, 2024

If an email is not encrypted, it means that the content of the email is transmitted in plain, readable text. 


What is encryption?

Encryption is a process that converts information into a code to prevent unauthorized access. In the context of email, encryption secures the content of the message, ensuring that only authorized parties can decipher and read it.

Go deeperWhat is encryption?


Consequences of sending an unencrypted email

Failing to encrypt your emails opens the door to many risks, ranging from privacy breaches to legal consequences. Some consequences include:


Privacy concerns

One of the most immediate and severe consequences of sending unencrypted emails is the compromise of privacy. When an email is not encrypted, its contents are transmitted as plain, readable text. This leaves the information vulnerable to interception by malicious actors, such as hackers or even your internet service provider.


Data tampering

Encryption not only safeguards the confidentiality of your emails but also protects their integrity. Without encryption, emails are susceptible to tampering during transmission. Malicious actors could modify message content without your knowledge or consent.


Security risks

Emails often contain sensitive information, such as login credentials, financial details, or protected health information (PHI). Without encryption, this treasure trove of valuable information becomes an attractive target for cybercriminals.


Regulatory compliance

Various industries and regions have enacted regulations that mandate the protection of sensitive information during transmission. Failing to encrypt emails may result in non-compliance with regulations like the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), leading to legal consequences and hefty fines.

Go deeperWhat are the consequences of not complying with HIPAA?


Phishing risks

Phishing attacks, where attackers use deceptive tactics to trick individuals into divulging sensitive information, are rampant in the digital landscape. Unencrypted emails are particularly susceptible to phishing risks.


Implementing email encryption

Understanding the potential consequences of unencrypted emails underscores the importance of taking proactive measures to secure your digital communication. Implementing email encryption technologies, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS) for transit encryption and end-to-end encryption for securing the actual content of emails, is paramount.

Adopting these encryption methods protects your sensitive information and contributes to a safer digital environment. 

RelatedHIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide