Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

New functionality added to Project Orca API: Analytics

Written by Hoala Greevy | February 20, 2020

Last month we announced the availability of the Project Orca API. The Project Orca API is a HIPAA compliant email marketing API for the management of subscribers, subscription lists, and mailings. It also enables developers and IT staff to integrate with Project Orca to seamlessly sync data with other services. In this post, we'll discuss what's new with the Orca API.


What's New with Project Orca API: Analytics

A new customer of ours recently asked for the ability to use the Project Orca API to fetch analytics data into their custom dashboard. This required us to add analytics support to the Orca API. I'm pleased to say this is now possible. Project Orca API Analytics documentation can be found here. In addition to the Project Orca API, we’ve also released the following new features this year:


About Project Orca

Project Orca is our solution to the need we see in the market for HIPAA Compliant Email Marketing. As context, here’s several macro trends we see in healthcare:


How Project Orca got its name

Early on, we needed a codename for our project. I chose Project Orca because I love being in the ocean and the Orca sits at the top of food chain. We’ve been fortunate thus far that our early adopter customers also like the name. So we’re sticking with Project Orca.


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