Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Paubox Weekly: Tennessee clinic confirms over 500,000 affected by ransomware attack

Written by Dean Levitt | July 07, 2023

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1. Tennessee clinic confirms over 500,000 affected by ransomware attack

The breach was initially identified by Murfreesboro Medical Clinic in April, but more information about the ransomware attack has become available. 

What happened: MMC reported that 559,000 patients' information may have been stolen. They also said were rebuilding their network with enhanced security features to reduce the possibility of future attacks. 

What was said: Joey Peay, the chief executive officer for MMC, said they would not be paying a ransom, "We refused to engage with them. Law enforcement and (legal) counsel advised us not to. It's the principle of the matter." 

More organizations are refusing to pay ransoms



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2. Sensitive health data shared with tech giants by major pharmacies

Twelve of the largest drug stores in the United States have been sharing sensitive health information with social media and advertising platforms.

Why it matters: The products involved are not just everyday items; they include sensitive health products such as HIV tests and Plan B emergency contraception

Are customers aware their data is being shared?



3. Is Google Tag Manager HIPAA compliant?

Google Tag Manager is designed to inject tracking code like Google Analytics into a website.

The bottom line: Tag Manager does not collect, retain, or share any information about visitors to our customers' properties, including page URLs visited. It could better be considered a vehicle to deploy other services that, in turn, handle PHI.

Tag Manager could be used with compliant trackers



Community links

  • Introducing Block/Allow filtering for Paubox Email Suite. Link
  • How to train healthcare staff on HIPAA compliance. Link
  • Best practices to de-identify PHI. Link
  • Who needs to be HIPAA compliant? Link
  • The role of HIPAA in fertility treatment. Link
  • HIPAA's Security Rule and text messaging. Link


June HIPAA breach report

  • Network server breaches affected 18,824,372 individuals.
  • Electronic medical record breaches were the second most common breach, with 81,392 affected.
  • Other breaches affected 77,975 people.

Read the full Breach report


Good reads from around the web

  • Scientists build robo-glove to help stroke victims recover. Link
  • Nickelodeon investigates breach after leak of 'decades old’ data. Link
  • WHO and HL7 collaborate on global interoperability adoption. Link
  • Middle-aged people ‘need sleep to see mental health benefits of exercise.’ Link
  • You don’t have to freak out about aspartame in your diet soda. Link