Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Drip campaigns enabled for Paubox Marketing

Written by Chloe Bowen | June 02, 2021

Recently we added a new feature to Paubox Marketing, our HIPAA compliant email marketing solution. Customers can now send drip campaigns to their patients and other contacts through the platform.


Why drip campaigns are useful


It’s important to have repeated and meaningful interactions with your patients or potential patients. To do this, many companies use drip campaigns, which means sending out a series of pre-written emails at regular intervals. The idea is to deliver value over a period of time, strengthening your connection with patients as well as their perception of your practice. Since Paubox Marketing allows you to include protected health information (PHI) in your campaigns, you have the power to send personalized email marketing to every patient, potential patient, or colleague. Studies show that certain days of the week and times of day produce better email marketing results.  Using Paubox Marketing drip campaigns to schedule your email promotions to be delivered whenever you want allows you to experiment to find the optimum time for your audience.


How it works


First, create the email promotions that you would like to send and your subscription list you would like to send them to. Once those are ready, in your admin panel under Paubox Marketing, navigate to the option called "Drip Campaigns."  From that page click "Create Drip Campaign" to get started. Enter a name for your campaign and select which subscription list it will be delivered to.  Choose a from name and email and the date and time you would like to send your first drip.  Then choose an existing email promotion to be delivered. You can add multiple drip emails to the campaign by clicking "Add a Drip."


Why you should use Paubox Marketing


Paubox Marketing lets recipients view marketing emails like regular emails without relying on outdated patient portals which are terrible for the recipient.  It allows you to segment and send secure emails including PHI to increase patient engagement and build your business while remaining HIPAA compliant.

Paubox Marketing is the only HIPAA compliant, HITRUST CSF certified email marketing solution that:



Compared to the standard marketing tools, Paubox Marketing is the best option for maintaining HIPAA compliance while harnessing the power of personalized email marketing. For inspiration on how to get started, check out these blog posts:



We have a freemium plan level that allows customers to send an unlimited number of marketing emails to up to 100 contacts for free.


Try Paubox Marketing for free and make your email marketing HIPAA compliant today.