Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

What makes an email marketing consent form HIPAA compliant?

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 23, 2023

When healthcare organizations engage in email marketing, they must safeguard protected health information (PHI). Under HIPAA, covered entities must obtain explicit patient consent before including them in email marketing communication. There are aspects of developing a HIPAA compliant consent form for email marketing that healthcare organizations must be aware of to strike a balance between effective marketing and protecting PHI. 


The purpose of consent forms in email marketing

Consent forms play a role in ensuring HIPAA compliance in email marketing. Obtaining explicit authorization from patients demonstrates respect for their privacy and gives them the power to decide how their PHI is used. 

Related: Do you need patient consent to send email marketing with PHI?


Elements of a HIPAA compliant consent form

  1. Clear purpose and identification: The consent form should clearly state the purpose of the email marketing campaign involving PHI. It should also include the name and contact information of the covered entity or business associate responsible for the marketing campaign. 
  2. Description of PHI and limited disclosure: In the consent form, provide a comprehensive yet straightforward description of the types of PHI used for email marketing. Emphasize the importance of limiting the disclosure of PHI to only the minimum necessary information, avoiding unnecessary or overly sensitive details. 
  3. Voluntary participation and revocation of consent: The consent form should indicate that participation in email marketing is entirely voluntary. Individuals must be informed of their right to revoke consent and the process for opting out of future marketing communications. 
  4. Consent duration and security measures: Specify the duration of consent, if applicable, and mention the security measures to protect PHI during email marketing activities. This demonstrates the organization's commitment to safeguarding patient information and assures patients that their data is handled with the utmost care.
  5. Statement of HIPAA rights and nondiscrimination: The consent form should remind individuals of their rights under HIPAA, such as the right to access and amend their PHI. It should also include a statement ensuring that refusing or revoking consent will not impact their access to healthcare services. 
  6. Signature and date: Offer a space for individuals to sign and date the consent form, signifying their agreement to participate in email marketing using their PHI. The signature is tangible proof of patients' informed consent, which can be useful in case of any future inquiries or audits.
  7. Contact information and recordkeeping: Include contact details for questions or clarifications related to the consent form. Explain how the covered entity or business associate will retain consent forms as part of their records to ensure compliance. 


Developing HIPAA compliant consent forms

  1. Use clear and concise language that is easily understandable by the target audience.
  2. Ensure the consent form design is user-friendly and accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities.
  3. Regularly review and update consent forms to align with changing regulations and organizational practices. 

Developing a HIPAA compliant consent form for email marketing is a requirement for healthcare organizations seeking to engage in targeted marketing while upholding patient privacy and confidentiality. Obtaining explicit authorization through well-structured consent forms allows healthcare providers to build trust with their patients while respecting their rights under HIPAA. 

Related: HIPAA compliant email: the definitive guide