Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

What is whaling?

Written by Farah Amod | December 22, 2023

Whaling attacks, also known as CEO fraud, are a method cybercriminals employ to target senior individuals within an organization. These malicious actors impersonate high-ranking executives to deceive employees into revealing sensitive information, transferring funds, or gaining unauthorized access to computer systems. 


Understanding whaling attacks

Whaling attacks specifically target senior or influential individuals within an organization. These "big phish" or "whales" are typically high-ranking executives such as CEOs, CFOs, or finance managers. By impersonating these individuals, cybercriminals exploit the trust and authority associated with their positions, making it more likely for their fraudulent requests to be fulfilled.

Whaling attacks leverage various techniques, including email and website spoofing, to create the illusion of legitimacy. Attackers invest time and effort into researching their targets, using publicly available information from sources like social media to craft personalized and convincing messages. 

Related: What is cyber extortion in healthcare? 


Real-life whaling attack examples

Numerous high-profile cases highlight the severity of whaling attacks and their potential impact on organizations. In 2016, Snapchat's payroll department fell victim to a whaling attack when they received an email seemingly sent by the CEO, requesting employee payroll information. The attack resulted in the exposure of sensitive data. 

Another notable incident involved toy giant Mattel, where a top finance executive received an email from a fraudster posing as the new CEO, requesting a money transfer. The company narrowly avoided a loss of $3 million. These real-life examples emphasize the urgent need for organizations to implement defenses against whaling attacks.


Protecting your organization

Defending against whaling attacks requires a multi-layered approach. By implementing the following strategies, organizations can reduce the risk of whaling attacks:


Employee education and awareness

Regular training sessions should be conducted to raise awareness of cybercriminals' tactics and instill a healthy level of skepticism. 

Staff members should be trained to question unsolicited contact, especially when it involves sensitive information or financial transactions. They should be encouraged to verify the authenticity of requests by contacting the sender through alternative channels, such as phone calls or face-to-face meetings.


Spotting the signs

Identifying the signs of a whaling attack is necessary for preventing breaches. Employees should be trained to look out for spoofed email addresses and names. Additionally, suspicious requests or unusual behavior, such as unexpected urgency or payment instructions, should be treated cautiously.


Social media awareness

Executives and employees should exercise caution when sharing personal and professional information on social media platforms. Limiting the amount of personal information shared publicly and adjusting privacy settings to restrict access to sensitive details is advisable.


Email filtering and validation

Implementing email filtering systems can help identify and flag potentially fraudulent emails originating from outside the organization's network. Furthermore, deploying specialized anti-phishing software can enhance protection by screening URLs and validating links in incoming emails. 


Multi-factor authentication and authorization

Enforcing multi-factor authentication and authorization processes can add an extra layer of security when handling critical tasks or sensitive information. Requiring face-to-face meetings or phone calls for high-risk transactions can minimize the risk of fraudulent requests being fulfilled electronically.


Incident response and reporting

Establishing an effective incident response plan is necessary for mitigating the impact of whaling attacks. Organizations should have clear protocols for reporting incidents and responding promptly to suspected attacks. 

See also: HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide