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What is URL rewriting?

Written by Farah Amod | March 09, 2024

URL rewriting, also called URL manipulation, is modifying Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for various purposes. A URL is a web address that directs users to a specific website or webpage. By changing the structure of a URL, webmasters can enhance user access, improve site visibility, and even optimize their websites for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.


The importance of URL rewriting

URL rewriting enhances user experience and improves website visibility. Let's look at some of the reasons why webmasters opt for URL rewriting:


Readability and user-friendliness

Rewriting URLs can make them more human-readable and user-friendly. Instead of long, complex URLs filled with random characters and numbers, webmasters can create URLs that are concise, descriptive, and easy to understand. 


Search engine optimization

URL rewriting is an effective SEO technique used to optimize websites for search engines. Webmasters can improve their website's search engine rankings by incorporating relevant keywords and removing unnecessary elements from URLs. 


Website restructuring

Modifying URLs can reflect the new hierarchy and organization of webpages. This ensures that users and search engines can easily navigate through the website, leading to improved user experience and better search engine rankings.


Marketing and branding

URL rewriting can also be utilized for marketing and branding purposes. Webmasters can create custom URLs that align with their brand identity or reflect specific marketing campaigns. These customized URLs are not only memorable but also help in tracking the success of marketing initiatives.

Related: What is a URL? 


The process of URL rewriting

URL rewriting can be accomplished using different approaches and techniques. Below are some common methods employed by webmasters:


Manual rewriting

One way to rewrite URLs is through manual coding. Webmasters can modify the structure and format of URLs directly in the website's source code. This approach requires a good understanding of programming languages. By manipulating the URL structure, webmasters can create more user-friendly and SEO-friendly URLs.


Server-side rewriting

Another popular method is server-side URL rewriting. This approach involves using a rewrite engine, typically provided by the web server software, to automatically rewrite URLs based on predefined rules. The rewrite engine intercepts incoming requests and transforms them based on the specified rules before serving the corresponding webpage.


Content management systems (CMS)

Many websites today are built using content management systems. These CMS platforms offer built-in URL rewriting capabilities or plugins that simplify the process. Webmasters can configure the CMS settings or install plugins to automatically rewrite URLs according to their preferences. This makes it easier for non-technical users to implement URL rewriting without diving into complex coding.


Risks and considerations

While URL rewriting offers numerous benefits, it's important to be aware of potential risks and considerations. Here are some points to keep in mind:


Maintaining URL consistency

Drastic URL modifications can disrupt existing links, bookmarks, and indexed pages, leading to broken links and negative user experiences. If you plan to rewrite URLs for an existing website, consider implementing proper redirects to prevent any loss of traffic or SEO value.


Impact on backlinks and social shares

When URLs change, the authority and credibility associated with the old URLs may not transfer automatically to the new ones. It's important to proactively reach out to website owners linking to the old URLs and ask them to update their links to the new URLs.


Regular monitoring and maintenance

URL rewriting should be an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and maintenance. As your website evolves, new pages are added, or existing pages are removed, you must review and update your URL structure accordingly. Regularly audit your website to identify any broken links, outdated redirects, or duplicate content issues arising from URL rewriting.


Real-world example

One notable example of URL rewriting is Wikipedia. Wikipedia uses URL rewriting to create informative and SEO-friendly URLs for its vast collection of articles. For instance, instead of using long, complex URLs with random characters, Wikipedia employs a URL structure that includes the page title or a unique identifier. This approach improves the readability of URLs and contributes to better search engine visibility for Wikipedia articles.

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Is URL rewriting only beneficial for SEO purposes?

No, URL rewriting offers benefits beyond SEO. It can improve user experience, make URLs more readable, and help with marketing and branding efforts.


Can URL rewriting negatively impact existing website traffic?

URL rewriting can potentially disrupt existing website traffic if proper redirects are not implemented. It's important to set up redirects to ensure a smooth transition and avoid broken links.


Are there any tools available to assist with URL rewriting?

Yes, there are various tools and plugins available, depending on the platform you are using. Content management systems like WordPress offer plugins specifically designed for URL rewriting.


Should I rewrite all URLs on my website?

It's not necessary to rewrite all URLs on your website. Focus on high-priority pages or pages that require improved readability or SEO optimization. However, ensure that the overall URL structure remains consistent and logical.