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Paubox Kahikina Scholarship Recipient 2023: Matthew Liu

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | January 26, 2024

The Paubox Kahikina Scholarship helps Native Hawaiian students pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Its purpose is to offer financial support and create a strong network for these students. The scholarship makes education more affordable and connects students with professionals, giving them valuable opportunities to learn and grow in their chosen STEM fields. This scholarship is about more than just money; it's about building a community and empowering Native Hawaiian students to succeed in STEM careers.

See also: The big ideas behind the Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship

Scholarship recipient Matthew Liu is a freshman, majoring in molecular and cellular biology at Johns Hopkins University, hoping to become a radiologist. Here is a word from Matthew: 

“Hello, I’m Matthew Liu and a proud recipient of the 2023 Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship. Currently, I am a freshman at Johns Hopkins University and will be majoring in molecular and cellular biology. So far, classes have just begun this week. So although I have a very long road ahead of me, I’m looking forward to what the future has in hold. Some notable classes that I will be taking this year are introductory chemistry, general biology, and calculus 2. 

I’m also extremely excited to take a HEART class, which is an acronym for Hopkins engineering applications and research tutorials, which will cover an introduction to deep learning for medical imaging. This class is specifically special to me since I’ve always dreamed of becoming a radiologist, ever since I was in elementary school. However, becoming a hopeful radiologist has a lot of challenges along the way and one of, if not the biggest, are being able to afford attending university. 

This is why I’d like to give a big mahalo to the Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarships and a few of the people who helped to make it happen, which include Hoala Greevy, Rob Nelson, Alana Higa, Nick Wong, and Blaine Kahoone. With your extreme generosity, I am fortunate and lucky enough to attend college and pursue a degree in STEM.

Once again, thank you to Paubox Kahikina for helping to make dreams come true.”

Watch: Paubox Kahikina STEM Scholarship Recipient Reflection | Matthew Liu