Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Our first coffee and donut zoom social mixer | Paubox

Written by Hoala Greevy | May 25, 2022

Our first coffee and donut Zoom social mixer went down last week on May 18th.

Similar to previous mixers, customers, prospects, and staff zoomed in from across the country.

For this zoom social mixer however, we held it during the day to accommodate for those who can't attend our evening events. Attendees were treated to coffee, donuts, and bagels.

Our customers joined us from:

  • Texas
  • California
  • Minnesota
  • Florida


As I've previously said, the Paubox Zoom Social Mixer premise is simple: we recreate things we used to do in real life (IRL) on the internet.  

The mixers are a great opportunity for our customers and prospects to network and discuss trends they're seeing in the market.

Related: Our Zoom Social Mixer playbook 


Customer feedback

It was a lively mixer, with great conversations and customer input. For example, a customer told us that prior to using Paubox, their organization was compromised by ransomware for a staggering $14 million.

Another customer reiterated how thankful he was to have a solution (Paubox Email Suite) that he could manage himself. 

A subject that we hear from time to time came up as well. And that is overcoming the myth and mindset that portals are necessary for good security. 

The group discussed fax machines and why they are still utilized so much in the healthcare industry. Most of our attendees indicated they work with hospitals, schools, governments, and healthcare providers. These entities still work with paper files and require using fax. 

See alsoFax Machines Are Terrible for Healthcare – Here's Why

Other discussion topics included the burden that healthcare organizations face with the labor shortage and how software solutions that can reduce the burden of menial tasks.