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Is CentralReach HIPAA compliant? (Update 2024)

Written by Farah Amod | February 26, 2021

CentralReach is an EMR, practice management, and clinical platform for practices and others that provide autism and intellectual and developmental disabilities care. However, when it comes to handling sensitive healthcare data, such as protected health information (PHI), HIPAA compliance is of the utmost importance. So, is CentralReach HIPAA compliant? Our research suggests it is HIPAA compliant.


What is CentralReach?

CentralReach is a practice management and clinical platform that supports healthcare professionals with scheduling, documentation, billing, and data analytics features. With its intuitive interface, customizable workflows, and reporting capabilities, CentralReach aims to enhance operational efficiency, improve clinical outcomes, and streamline overall practice management for healthcare professionals.


CentralReach and business associate agreements (BAAs)

Under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), any software or service that handles protected health information (PHI) on behalf of a covered entity is considered a business associate. Business associates must sign a business associate agreement outlining their responsibilities and obligations regarding PHI protection.

Given CentralReach’s functionalities, such as robotic process automation, it's probable that it would be considered a business associate when utilized in healthcare environments.

Upon reviewing CentralReach's official documentation, we found that they explicitly state their willingness to sign a BAA with healthcare entities. This commitment demonstrates CentralReach's dedication to HIPAA compliance and its understanding of the importance of protecting PHI.


CentralReach and data security 

One of the primary concerns when evaluating the HIPAA compliance of any software or service is the level of data security it provides. CentralReach prioritizes data protection through a multi-layered security infrastructure. It implements various security measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of user data.

Some notable security features offered by CentralReach include:

  • Encryption: CentralReach employs advanced encryption techniques to protect sensitive data, such as PHI.
  • Access controls: CentralReach implements strict role-based access controls to limit data access to authorized individuals. 
  • Auditing and monitoring: CentralReach adopts and enforces a full suite of information security policies and procedures, including incident reporting and rigorous on-boarding and off-boarding protocols


Is CentralReach HIPAA compliant?

Based on our analysis, CentralReach demonstrates a commitment to data security through its multi-layered security infrastructure, encryption techniques, access controls, and auditing capabilities. Their willingness to sign a business associate agreement (BAA) further reinforces their compliance with HIPAA standards. Therefore, CentralReach can be considered HIPAA compliant.


Understanding HIPAA compliance:

HIPAA compliance extends beyond just technical safeguards and software solutions. When evaluating a tool's or service's compliance, consider the following:

  • Technical Safeguards: While tools like CentralReach play a crucial role, other technical measures, such as HIPAA compliant email, are equally vital.
  • Employee Training: Ensuring all staff members are well-versed in HIPAA regulations and best practices is paramount. Regular training sessions can help prevent unintentional breaches.
  • Regular Audits: Periodic assessments of all systems and processes ensure that they remain compliant and adapt to any changes in regulations or technology.
  • Data Access Controls: Implementing stringent controls on who can access protected health information and under what circumstances is a cornerstone of HIPAA compliance.