Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

HIPAA compliant email for physical therapists

Written by Liyanda Tembani | February 06, 2024


HIPAA compliant email for physical therapists involves secure communication practices to protect patients' sensitive health information. Adherence to HIPAA regulations requires obtaining patient consent for email communication, applying the minimum necessary rule to limit disclosed information, and employing secure messaging platforms with encryption for internal and external communication. Physical therapists should prioritize staff training on HIPAA regulations, implement encryption for data security, and regularly review and update procedures to address evolving threats. 


HIPAA regulations for email communication

Understanding the HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules is the foundation for HIPAA compliant email practices. These rules set the framework for secure communication and must be applied to email correspondence within physical therapy practices.

  • HIPAA's Privacy Rule addresses the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI).
  • The Security Rule focuses on the safeguarding of electronic PHI (ePHI). 

Consent and the minimum necessary rule in email communication

Obtaining patient consent for email communication

Informed consent is the first step toward HIPAA compliant email practices. Physical therapists should communicate the risks and benefits of email communication, obtaining written consent from patients before sharing PHI via email.

To ensure a thorough understanding, practitioners can provide patients with educational materials clearly outlining how their information will be communicated and stored. Obtaining consent not only meets regulatory requirements but also establishes trust and transparency between the healthcare provider and the patient.

Read more: How to obtain patient consent for email communication


Applying the minimum necessary rule in email content

Adhering to the minimum necessary rule ensures that only the essential PHI is included in emails. Physical therapists should avoid unnecessary details and focus on the communication's specific purpose.

This rule safeguards patient privacy and streamlines communication processes. By sharing only the necessary information, therapists can reduce the risk of inadvertent disclosure and enhance the overall efficiency of their email communications.


Secure information sharing and encryption practices

Internal communication within the practice

Using secure messaging platforms for internal communication ensures that PHI stays within the confines of the practice. Features such as user authentication and access controls enhance security.

Internal communication often involves discussions about patient care and treatment plans among members of the healthcare team. Implementing HIPAA compliant messaging platforms adds an extra layer of protection, limiting access to authorized personnel and reducing the risk of unauthorized disclosures.


External communication with patients and referral sources

External communication introduces additional challenges, given the diversity of email systems and security measures employed by different entities. Physical therapists must choose HIPAA compliant email services or secure messaging platforms when communicating with external parties, such as patients or referral sources. Encryption should be implemented both in transit and at rest. Additionally, password-protected attachments add an extra layer of security.


Encryption best practices in email communication

Ensuring encryption in both transit and at rest maintains the confidentiality of patient information. Encryption scrambles the data and makes it unreadable to unauthorized individuals.

Encryption in email communication involves using secure protocols and technologies to protect the information as it travels between the sender and the recipient. This security measure prevents unauthorized access during the transmission of PHI.

Related: Encryption at rest: what you need to know



Can physical therapists communicate with patients via text message?

Text messages can be a convenient communication method, but they pose security challenges. To meet HIPAA requirements, it's recommended that patients communicate using HIPAA compliant text messaging platforms with encryption.


How can physical therapists secure mobile devices used for email communication?

Physical therapists should implement strong passwords, enable device encryption, and use remote wipe capabilities on mobile devices to enhance security. These measures help protect patient information in case of device loss or theft.

Related: Top 10 HIPAA compliant email services