Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Email auditing and HIPAA compliance

Written by Liyanda Tembani | December 07, 2023

Email auditing upholds HIPAA compliance by systematically reviewing electronic communications, identifying compliance gaps, and preventing unauthorized access or transmission of protected health information (PHI). It ensures adherence to regulations, verifies policy effectiveness, detects breaches early, and fosters a culture of accountability, ultimately safeguarding patient data and maintaining confidentiality as mandated by HIPAA.


The purpose of email audits in upholding HIPAA compliance

  • Identifying potential compliance gaps: These audits uncover unprotected PHI transmission, policy non-adherence, and unauthorized access. An audit might reveal employees inadvertently sharing patient information outside secure networks, requiring immediate rectification.
  • Assessing risk: Beyond identification, audits offer insights into overall email security, aiding in prioritizing security efforts. Analyzing the frequency of encrypted email usage or evaluating access controls highlights vulnerable areas.
  • Verifying policy effectiveness: Audits go beyond identifying breaches; they assess the efficacy of existing HIPAA-related policies. Organizations can refine and strengthen protocols by analyzing policy adherence trends to ensure compliance.
  • Demonstrating accountability: Regular audits demonstrate a commitment to compliance and data protection. Healthcare organizations can promote a culture of responsibility among staff by maintaining a consistent auditing schedule and taking corrective actions as necessary.

The scope of email audits

  • Sender and recipient: Review emails from all staff, contractors, and associates with PHI access to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of potential vulnerabilities across the network.
  • Email content and attachments: Scrutinize email content and attachments for PHI. Employing automated tools capable of scanning text within attachments ensures thorough compliance checks.
  • Third-party services: Assess emails involving third-party services used for healthcare purposes. Evaluate the security measures adopted by these services to ensure PHI protection. 

How to conduct effective audits

  • Defining the audit scope: A clear outline of audit parameters, including timeframes and departments involved, ensures a focused evaluation.
  • Establishing audit criteria: Develop clear criteria for identifying PHI and noncompliant practices. Parameters might include specific keywords, attachment types, or designated sender domains.
  • Using audit tools: Use specialized tools for automated analysis to streamline the auditing process. These tools identify potential breaches and aid in trend analysis for proactive measures.
  • Ensuring data privacy: Healthcare organizations must protect individuals' privacy while conducting audits. Anonymizing data during the auditing process safeguards sensitive information.

Fostering a culture of accountability

  • Provide education and training: Conduct mock audit scenarios during training to effectively reinforce compliance protocols.
  • Address findings promptly: Timely responses to potential breaches or noncompliant practices demonstrate a proactive commitment to compliance.
  • Involve employees: Solicit feedback and suggestions for improvement to encourage a collaborative approach to compliance.
  • Recognize compliance efforts: Acknowledge and reward adherence to HIPAA compliant practices to boost morale and reinforce desired behaviors. 

The role of email auditing in preventing breaches

  • Early detection of breaches: Identifying potential breaches enables timely intervention. For instance, an audit might reveal a pattern of unauthorized access attempts. 
  • Reducing the risk of penalties: Demonstrating due diligence lowers the likelihood of regulatory penalties. Consistent and thorough audits showcase an organization's commitment to compliance.
  • Protection of patient trust: Safeguarding PHI maintains patient trust and organizational reputation. Proactive measures through audits uphold confidentiality, ensuring patient information remains secure.

Related: The role of audit trails for HIPAA compliance