Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Balancing convenience and privacy with biometric authentication

Written by Dean Levitt | April 06, 2023

As healthcare organizations move towards electronic communication for exchanging protected health information (PHI), ensuring that communications are secure and HIPAA compliant is crucial. One way to enhance security is through multifactor authentication, which requires users to provide multiple forms of identification before accessing their medical record accounts. 

Biometric authentication, which uses physical characteristics like fingerprints or facial features to verify a user's identity, is increasingly popular as a multifactor authentication option.

RelatedTwo-factor authentication: What is it, and how does it work? 


Benefits of biometric authentication:

  • Biometric authentication is convenient, eliminating the need for users to remember codes or carry separate devices.
  • Biometric features are unique to each individual and hard to replicate, making it harder for unauthorized individuals to access accounts.
  • Biometric authentication can be more secure than traditional authentication methods.


Concerns with biometric authentication:

  • Biometric data is considered sensitive personal information.
  • Concerns around storage and use of biometric data.
  • Accessibility concerns for users who are unable to use certain types of biometric authentication.
  • Cybercriminals find biometric information an appealing target.


Ensuring privacy with biometric authentication:

To balance the benefits of biometric authentication with privacy concerns, healthcare organizations must ensure they are using biometric authentication compliant with industry standards. They must also have policies and procedures in place for the secure storage and use of biometric data and consider alternative authentication methods for users who cannot use biometric authentication.


The HIPAA implications:

However, healthcare organizations may face complications when implementing biometric authentication. One primary complication is the collection and use of biometric data, which is considered sensitive personal information under HIPAA regulations. 

Healthcare organizations must ensure that they are collecting, storing, and using this data in compliance with HIPAA regulations, which includes having policies and procedures in place for the secure storage and use of biometric data and ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to this information.

Accessibility is also a concern. While biometric authentication can be a convenient and secure option for many users, it may not be accessible to all users. Some individuals may have physical or medical conditions that make it difficult or impossible to use certain types of biometric authentication. Healthcare organizations must offer alternative authentication methods.

Additionally, there is always the risk of biometric data breaches. If biometric data is not properly secured, it can be vulnerable to hacking or other unauthorized access. Healthcare organizations must have policies and procedures for responding to incidents involving biometric data breaches, including notifying affected individuals and regulatory agencies.

RelatedPersonally identifiable information: HIPAA compliance key facts


Training employees on biometric authentication:

Employees must be trained on how to store and manage biometric data properly. They must know how to respond to incidents involving biometric data breaches. Healthcare organizations should ensure their employees understand the importance of protecting biometric data.


Transparency and patient trust:

Healthcare organizations should be transparent about their policies and procedures for using biometric authentication. Patients may have concerns about the collection and use of their biometric data. Healthcare organizations should consider the potential impact of biometric authentication on patient trust.

While biometric authentication can benefit healthcare organizations, consider privacy concerns before implementing this technology. 

Related:  HIPAA Compliant Email: The Definitive Guide