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Consent vs. permission in healthcare

Written by Tshedimoso Makhene | November 22, 2023

Consent and permission differ significantly. Consent is approval for actions involving personal boundaries, while permission refers to authorization or approval for something to happen.



Consent is essential in healthcare. It means the patient understands and agrees to the treatment or procedure. It is a collaborative process between the healthcare provider and the patient, empowering them to make informed decisions based on comprehensive information. The provider must inform the patient of the proposed intervention's risks, benefits, and alternatives. The patient has the right to refuse or accept treatment based on their values and preferences.



Permission is not the same as consent. It often involves granting authorization without active agreement.

In healthcare, permission might be sought for routine procedures or actions that don't necessarily require the patient's deep involvement in decision-making. For instance, obtaining permission to take vitals or conduct routine checks doesn't demand the same level of patient involvement as obtaining consent for a surgical procedure.


Why the difference matters

Understanding the difference between consent and permission ensures patients are informed about their treatments and proactive in their healthcare. It upholds their autonomy and dignity. Without clear consent, patients may feel disempowered, leading to a breakdown in trust between healthcare providers and patients. 

RelatedHow does HIPAA differentiate between consent and authorization?


Best practices for healthcare professionals

Communication is key: Engage patients in a clear and understandable dialogue about their treatment options, risks, and benefits. Encourage questions and ensure comprehension before seeking consent.

Document everything: Maintain thorough documentation of consent discussions and permissions granted. This helps in legal and ethical compliance and is a reference for future care.

Respect patient autonomy: Acknowledge and respect the patient's right to make decisions about their own health. Even if a healthcare provider recommends a particular course of action, it's essential to honor the patient's choice after providing adequate information.

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