Paubox blog: HIPAA compliant email made easy

Does CarrierZone offer HIPAA compliant email? (Update 2024)

Written by Liyanda Tembani | September 29, 2015

CarrierZone provides outsourced security services tailored for web hosting providers, focusing on abuse management. Given the importance of safeguarding protected health information (PHI) under HIPAA, it's essential to evaluate CarrierZone's HIPAA compliance. Our analysis found that CarrierZone may not offer HIPAA compliant email.


What is CarrierZone?

CarrierZone is a provider of outsourced security services, specializing in abuse management for web hosting providers with email services and related applications. Its services cater to smaller businesses, offering solutions to combat spam and online abuse while providing 24/7 monitoring and response.


CarrierZone and business associate agreements (BAAs)

Under HIPAA, BAAs define the responsibilities of third-party vendors handling PHI. Considering CarrierZone's functionalities in managing online abuse and its provision of email services, it's likely to be categorized as a business associate within healthcare settings. However, our review of CarrierZone's documentation reveals no explicit commitment to signing BAAs with healthcare entities, raising concerns about its HIPAA compliance.


CarrierZone and data security

CarrierZone emphasizes data protection through a multi-layered security approach. Notable security features include SSL encryption and 24/7 monitoring. CarrierZone's security infrastructure extends to spam and abuse filtering, threat detection, and compliance assistance. These measures aim to address various security threats, including malware, phishing attempts, and unauthorized access to sensitive data. However, the absence of specific mentions of encryption for emails at rest and in transit, as well as access controls and regular risk assessments, leaves room for uncertainty regarding its compliance with HIPAA's stringent security requirements.


Is CarrierZone HIPAA compliant?

While CarrierZone offers robust security features, the absence of a clear commitment to signing BAAs introduces uncertainty about its HIPAA compliance. Without explicit assurances regarding its willingness to adhere to HIPAA regulations and sign BAAs with healthcare entities, CarrierZone may not fully meet the standards required for HIPAA compliance.


Understanding HIPAA compliance

HIPAA compliance extends beyond software solutions and technical safeguards. It encompasses various aspects crucial for protecting patient data and ensuring regulatory adherence. These include:

  1. Technical safeguards: While tools like CarrierZone play a significant role, other technical measures, such as HIPAA compliant email services, encryption protocols, and secure data storage practices, are equally vital. 
  2. Employee training: Healthcare professionals should receive comprehensive training on handling PHI, maintaining confidentiality, and recognizing potential security threats.
  3. Regular audits: Regular audits help identify vulnerabilities, assess the effectiveness of security measures, and ensure alignment with evolving regulatory requirements. 
  4. Data access controls: Healthcare organizations should establish clear policies and procedures governing data access, authentication, and authorization.